

返回列表 来源: 风电新视界 2022-12-29 17:50 发表于内蒙古 发布日期: 2023.11.01 浏览次数:






Does solar PV have radiation? Is photovoltaic power generation harmful to the human body?

If solar power generation has no radiation, it is impossible, in fact, solar photovoltaic power generation has some electromagnetic radiation, this radiation is not very much, very little. If the solar photovoltaic power generation equipment is qualified, the radiation generated will not cause harm to the human body, and this radiation will not affect and interfere with other equipment.

Photovoltaic power generation is the direct conversion of light energy into direct current through the characteristics of semiconductors, and then the conversion of direct current into alternating current that we can use through the inverter. The photovoltaic system is composed of photovoltaic modules, brackets, DC cables, inverters, AC cables, distribution cabinets, transformers, etc., and the brackets are not charged and naturally do not produce electromagnetic interference.

PV modules and DC cables contain DC currents in the same direction. They can only generate electric fields, not magnetic fields. Although the output transformer is alternating current, the frequency is very low, only 50Hz, and the magnetic field generated is also very low. An inverter is a device that converts direct current into alternating current. It contains power electronic conversion, the frequency is generally 5-20KHz, so it generates an alternating electric field, so it also generates electromagnetic radiation. However, the country has strict standards for the electromagnetic compatibility of photovoltaic inverters. Compared with household appliances, the electromagnetic radiation of photovoltaic inverters is similar to that of laptops, and lower than that of induction cookers, hair dryers, refrigerators, etc.


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