

返回列表 来源: 碳中和学习与实践 2023-06-15 07:35 发表于上海 发布日期: 2023.12.25 浏览次数:
目前光伏电站主要有两类应用,一种是大型地面电站,主要分布在西北人迹稀少的地方;其次就是分布式光伏电站,比如家庭屋顶、工商业屋顶、渔光互补等,而工商业屋顶作为分布式光伏电站的重要应用市场,现在也被推到很高的层面。企业厂房通常具有 屋顶面积大、屋面平整,遮挡物少,自身用电量大,电价高等特点,非常适合安装自发自用为主的光伏发电系统。 工商业光伏电站不受资源分布地域的限制,利用建筑屋面闲置资源,无噪声,无污染。


01  盘活固定资产 ,降低企业电费支出,企业还将受益至少20年
02  降低企业能耗,缓解用电紧张问题。
03  节能减 排,改善环境,提升企业社会形象
04  隔热降温,改善员工工作环境


At present, photovoltaic power stations mainly have two types of applications. One is large-scale ground power stations, mainly distributed in sparsely populated areas in the northwest; Secondly, there are distributed photovoltaic power stations, such as household roofs, industrial and commercial roofs, and complementary fishing and solar systems. As an important application market for distributed photovoltaic power stations, industrial and commercial roofs are now being pushed to a very high level. Enterprise factories typically have large roof areas, flat roofs, minimal obstructions, high electricity consumption, and high electricity prices, making them very suitable for installing photovoltaic power generation systems primarily for self use. Industrial and commercial photovoltaic power stations are not limited by the geographical distribution of resources, utilizing idle resources on building roofs, without noise and pollution.

The Four Benefits of Industrial and Commercial Roof Photovoltaics

01 Revitalizing fixed assets and reducing electricity expenses for enterprises will benefit them for at least 20 years

Building a photovoltaic power station on the roof of a company is a one-time investment, with stable returns every day. Everyone knows that industrial and commercial electricity costs much more than civilian electricity, and the annual electricity expenditure is not cheap. After the installation of photovoltaic power generation, it can achieve spontaneous self use and surplus electricity can be connected to the grid. In addition to reducing electricity costs, it can also enjoy national subsidies for photovoltaic power generation.

02 Reduce enterprise energy consumption and alleviate electricity shortages.

The energy consumption problem for production-oriented enterprises has always existed, especially during peak electricity consumption periods. Enterprises have adopted various power generation systems for supplementation, but the input is high and the output is low. So, many companies choose photovoltaic power generation because the investment cost is relatively low, the power generation is relatively stable, and the photovoltaic power generation time is basically consistent with the peak electricity consumption period of the enterprise, truly achieving peak shaving effect.

03 Energy conservation and emission reduction, improving the environment, and enhancing corporate social image

After installing photovoltaic power stations on the rooftop of enterprises, the comprehensive utilization of solar energy and buildings is achieved, which not only achieves the effect of energy conservation and emission reduction, but also fulfills the social responsibility of improving the surrounding environment, increasing reputation.

04 Insulation and cooling to improve the working environment for employees

The construction of photovoltaic power stations on top of the factory buildings has a cooling effect to a certain extent, especially in summer. Usually, it can reduce the workshop temperature by 3-6 degrees, which undoubtedly improves the working environment for workers engaged in production and reduces the electricity cost incurred by cooling for enterprises.



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  • 邮箱:liusq@singfosolar.cn
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