

返回列表 来源: 易达光电 2023-11-04 07:00 发表 发布日期: 2023.11.12 浏览次数:


















控制器 :独立光伏发电系统中非常重要的部件,是能自动防止蓄电池过度充电和过度放电的设备,在温差较大的地方,控制器还应具备温度补偿的功能。

逆变器 :太阳能的直接输出一般都是12VDC、24VDC、48VDC。为220VAC的电器提供电能,需要将太阳能发电系统所发出的直流电能转换成交流电能。一般分为独立逆变器和并网逆变器。








Principles and Significance of Photovoltaic Power Generation in Photovoltaic Construction and Operation

1. What is photovoltaic power generation

Photovoltaic power generation specifically refers to a power generation system that uses photovoltaic modules to directly convert solar energy into electrical energy. It is a new and promising method of power generation and energy comprehensive utilization, and is the mainstream of solar power generation today.

2. What is a distributed photovoltaic system

Distributed photovoltaic systems refer to photovoltaic power generation facilities that are built near user sites and generally connected to power grids with voltage levels below 35kV. The generated electricity is mainly consumed locally and is characterized by balanced regulation in the distribution system.

3. Operation mode of distributed optical optimization system

There are three modes of operation for distributed optical optimization systems: full self use, self use of surplus electricity, and full grid access. Full self use refers to the total consumption of electricity generated by the photovoltaic power generation system; Spontaneous self use of surplus electricity for grid connection refers to the priority use of electricity generated by photovoltaic power generation systems by power users, with excess electricity connected to the grid; Full grid connection refers to the complete connection of the electricity generated by the photovoltaic power generation system to the power grid. Concept of Photovoltaic Power Generation

Photovoltaic power generation is a technology that utilizes the photovoltaic effect of semiconductor interfaces to directly convert light energy into electrical energy. It mainly consists of three parts: solar panels (components), controllers, and inverters, and the main components are composed of electronic components. After being connected in series and packaged for protection, solar cells can form a large area of solar cell components, which, in combination with power controllers and other components, form a photovoltaic power generation device.

Principles of Photovoltaic Power Generation

The main principle of photovoltaic power generation is the photoelectric effect of semiconductors. When a photon shines on a metal, its energy can be fully absorbed by a certain electron in the metal. The energy absorbed by the electron is large enough to overcome the internal gravity of the metal and do work, escape from the metal surface and become a photoelectron. Silicon atoms have 4 outer electrons. If an atom with 5 outer electrons, such as phosphorus atom, is doped into pure silicon, it becomes an N-type semiconductor; If atoms with three outer electrons, such as boron atoms, are doped into pure silicon, a P-type semiconductor is formed. When P-type and N-type are combined, the contact surface forms a potential difference, becoming a solar cell. When sunlight shines on the P-N junction, holes move from the P-pole region to the N-pole region, and electrons move from the N-pole region to the P-pole region, forming an electric current.

Conventional photovoltaic power plants use solar panels to absorb visible light from the sun, forming photoelectrons and generating electricity.


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