

作者: 编辑: 来源: 发布日期: 2023.05.05
光伏发电作为新能源发电的局限性主要有以下几点: 1.气候对光伏发电影响。采用光伏并网发电无蓄电池方案时,如果一个城市上空的气候大幅变化,将造…


1.气候对光伏发电影响。采用光伏并网发电无蓄电池方案时,如果一个城市上空的气候大幅变化,将造成电力负荷的大幅波动;当一个城市上空的空气质量比如空气污染, 或能见度变差比如雾天,阳天等都将使光伏发电在线或实时出力下降。






5.昼夜交替。随着太阳照射角度以及昼夜交替的影响, 其发电量也受影响










根据我国光伏产业联盟的有关统计资料显示。我国光伏产业正以每年30%的速度增长。最近三年全球太阳能电池总产量平均年增长率高达49.8%以上。按照日本新能源计划、欧盟可再生能源白皮书、美国光伏计划等推算,2010年全球光伏发电并网装机容量将达到15gw,至2030年全球光伏发电装机容量将达到300gw,至2040年光伏发电将达到全球发电总量的15%-20%。按此计划推算,2010-2040年,光伏行业的复合增长率将高达25%以上。其中并网应用会有较大的发展,从而形成并网发电(约46%)、离网供电(约27%)和通讯机站(约21%) 3个主要应用领域。



The limitations of photovoltaic power generation as a new energy power generation mainly include the following:

1. The impact of climate on photovoltaic power generation. When adopting a photovoltaic grid-connected power generation without a storage battery, if the climate over a city changes significantly, it will cause a large fluctuation in the power load; When the air quality over a city such as air pollution, or poor visibility such as foggy days, sunny days, etc., will make the online or real-time output of photovoltaic power generation decrease.

2. Geographical location, photovoltaic power generation equipment can basically only be attached to the building installation and construction, that is, the so-called photovoltaic roof on-site power supply. If you leave the building to build photovoltaic power generation, it will greatly increase the cost or damage the environment and ecology, which will greatly affect the power generation of photovoltaics.

3. Capacity transmission limitations. After solving the cost problem of photovoltaic power generation, high power, high voltage, long-distance transmission of power from the desert area to the load center, because photovoltaic power generation does not have the rotational inertia of traditional motors, governors and excitation systems, will bring new economic and stability problems to the AC power grid. Whether AC or DC, high voltage and high power are used to transmit power from desert areas over long distances.

4. The light energy conversion efficiency is low. Compared with the conversion efficiency of traditional energy sources (fossil energy, oil, hydro, atomic energy, etc.), the conversion efficiency of photovoltaic energy is not satisfactory.

5. Day and night alternate. With the influence of the angle of sunlight and the cycle of day and night, its power generation is also affected.

Specific and unique advantages of photovoltaic power generation compared to these limitations:

1. Solar energy storage is huge and there is no danger of exhaustion.

2. Safe and reliable, no noise, no pollution discharge.

3. It is not limited by the distribution of resources, and can take advantage of the building roof; For example, areas without electricity, and areas with complex terrain.

4. On-site power generation and power supply can be generated without consuming fuel and erecting transmission lines.

5. High energy quality.

6. Users are emotionally easy to accept and beautiful.

7. The construction period is short, and the time spent to obtain energy is short.

Photovoltaic power generation is highly valued in the world and has developed very rapidly. In the long term, photovoltaic power generation will enter the electricity market with decentralized power sources and partially replace conventional energy sources. Photovoltaic power generation can be used as a supplement to conventional energy, and it is of great significance from environmental protection and energy strategy in solving special application fields, such as communications, signal power supply, and civil electricity demand in remote areas without electricity. The advantages of photovoltaic power generation are fully reflected in the following aspects: sufficient cleanliness; Absolute security. (The grid-connected voltage is generally below 220V); relative breadth; Proven long life and maintenance-free; Initial practicality; Adequacy of resources and potential economy, etc.

According to the relevant statistics of China's photovoltaic industry alliance. China's photovoltaic industry is growing at an annual rate of 30%. In the past three years, the average annual growth rate of global solar cell production has reached more than 49.8%. According to the Japanese new energy plan, the EU renewable energy white paper, the US photovoltaic plan, etc., the global grid-connected installed capacity of photovoltaic power generation will reach 15GW in 2010, and the global installed capacity of photovoltaic power generation will reach 300GW by 2030, and photovoltaic power generation will reach 15%-20% of the total global power generation by 2040. According to this plan, from 2010 to 2040, the compound growth rate of the photovoltaic industry will be as high as more than 25%. Among them, grid-connected applications will have greater development, resulting in three main application fields: grid-connected power generation (about 46%), off-grid power supply (about 27%) and communication stations (about 21%).

The photovoltaic industry is a sunrise industry based on semiconductor technology and new energy demand, and is the commanding height of global advanced industry competition in the future. In recent years, the global photovoltaic market has experienced several ups and downs, and the overall trend has continued to rise.

So what are your insights on this industry, welcome to comment!










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