

作者: 编辑: 来源: 发布日期: 2023.07.21






一 自投自建


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二  第三方投资建设




一些生产经营性公司房顶少则好几千平多则几万平,在工业房顶安裝光伏电站后,厂房的屋顶作为企业闲散资源可以得到充分利用,将建筑学与光伏技术 完美结合起来,使整个屋顶更加美观大方。



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大部分企业接入的都是工业用电 ,电改后电价市场化,电费价格升高,公司耗电量大,用电成本急剧上升。安裝光伏电站后,公司能够自发自用,余电上网。光伏发电不但满足了公司本身的用电需求,附加的发电量还能够为公司创造新的盈利。




为了实现碳中和碳达峰的目标,国家现在对企业,尤其是高耗能、高污染的工业企业,实行碳排放指标管理,而光伏能源 本身属于可再生清洁能源,几乎零排放、零污染,工商业光伏电站能够减少公司的耗能,响应政府部门要求的节能降耗号召,还可以将多余的碳排放指标进行交易。

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去年国家能源局正式下发《关于报送整县(市、区)屋顶分布式光伏开始试点方案的通知》红头文件。 通知指出,党政机 关建筑屋顶总面积可安装光伏发电比例不低于50%; 学校、医院、村 委会等公共建筑屋顶总面积可安装光伏发电比例不低于40%; 工商业、 厂房屋顶总面积可安装光伏发电比例不低于30%; 农村居民屋顶总面积可安装光伏发电比例不低于20%。





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Friends, do you remember the solar water heater that benefits Wanjia? Rational use of solar energy, how much electricity costs for hot water are saved, and now the roof can not only install solar water heaters, but also distributed rooftop photovoltaic power stations.

Rooftop photovoltaic power generation is a new type of power generation and energy comprehensive utilization with broad development prospects, which advocates the principle of local conditions, clean and efficient, decentralized layout, and nearby utilization, using idle roofs, building photovoltaic power stations, generating electricity nearby, and the power generated can be used by enterprises themselves, greatly reducing the cost of electricity for enterprises.

In fact, as long as your enterprise roof has a large enough area, the roof has strong load-bearing, less nearby shading, and the enterprise itself has large electricity consumption and high electricity costs, it is especially suitable for installing rooftop photovoltaic power plants.

Current photovoltaic business model

1. Self-investment and self-construction

Self-investment and self-construction means that the enterprise pays to build a photovoltaic power station, the photovoltaic power station is owned by the enterprise itself, the power generated by the power station is used by the enterprise itself, and the excess electricity can be uploaded to the national grid to settle according to the on-grid tariff to obtain benefits. Through professional calculations, according to the roof area, electricity consumption, install the most suitable size of the photovoltaic power station for the size of the enterprise itself, if the photovoltaic power station power generation is just enough for the enterprise to use, then there is no need to pay electricity bills, for large electricity users of enterprises, can save a lot of electricity costs every year! The construction period of photovoltaic power station is short, and it can be used normally for about 25 years after installation, and the investment payback cycle is 3-5 years, which is equivalent to free electricity for enterprises after returning the cost!

2. Third-party investment and construction

Many enterprises do not have much working capital, can not take out all the costs of building photovoltaic power plants at one time, then you can choose a third-party investment method to install the power station, enterprises use photovoltaic power plants to generate electricity, electricity bills can enjoy discounts, this way does not need to spend a penny of enterprises, can enjoy electricity fee discounts, but also do not need to use a large amount of working capital, can be described as killing two birds with one stone.

Next, let's analyze specifically what are the benefits of rooftop photovoltaic power plants for our industrial and commercial enterprises!

Revitalize the idle roof and beautify the appearance of the plant

Some production and operation companies have a few thousand square meters or more tens of thousands of square meters, after installing photovoltaic power stations on the industrial roof, the roof of the plant can be fully utilized as an idle resource of the enterprise, and the perfect combination of architecture and photovoltaic technology makes the entire roof more beautiful and generous.

Protect plant roofs and improve working environment

Photovoltaic panels have the effect of thermal insulation, after large-scale paving of photovoltaic components on the roof, it can delay the aging rate of roof color steel tiles, and can also reduce the indoor temperature (about 5 °) in summer, which can reasonably reduce the temperature of industrial plants, create a more comfortable office environment in the hot summer, and indirectly save the company's air conditioning costs.
Reduce the cost of electricity, and generate income from surplus electricity sales

Most enterprises are connected to industrial electricity, and after the electricity reform, the electricity price is marketized, the price of electricity is rising, the company's power consumption is large, and the cost of electricity has risen sharply. After installing the photovoltaic power station, the company can use itself spontaneously, and the surplus electricity is on the Internet. Photovoltaic power generation not only meets the company's own electricity demand, but also creates new profits for the company.

Independent power generation, free from power and production restrictions

Last year, there were different degrees of power rationing and production restrictions across the country, and after the installation of rooftop photovoltaics, the power station can work independently from the power grid, not affected by the national "dual control", and does not stop production and does not limit production.

Zero emission and no pollution, complete energy conservation and emission reduction targets

In order to achieve the goal of carbon neutrality and carbon peaking, the state now implements carbon emission index management for enterprises, especially high-energy-consuming, high-pollution industrial enterprises, and photovoltaic energy itself belongs to renewable clean energy, almost zero emissions, zero pollution, industrial and commercial photovoltaic power plants can reduce the company's energy consumption, respond to the call for energy conservation and consumption reduction required by government departments, and can also trade excess carbon emission indicators. Zero emission and no pollution, complete energy conservation and emission reduction targets

In order to achieve the goal of carbon neutrality and carbon peaking, the state now implements carbon emission index management for enterprises, especially high-energy-consuming, high-pollution industrial enterprises, and photovoltaic energy itself belongs to renewable clean energy, almost zero emissions, zero pollution, industrial and commercial photovoltaic power plants can reduce the company's energy consumption, respond to the call for energy conservation and consumption reduction required by government departments, and can also trade excess carbon emission indicators. Last year, the National Energy Administration officially issued the "Notice on Submitting the Pilot Plan for Rooftop Distributed Photovoltaic in the Whole County (City, District)" red-headed document. The notice pointed out that the total roof area of party and government organs can install photovoltaic power generation ratio of not less than 50%; The total roof area of public buildings such as schools, hospitals, and village committees can be installed with photovoltaic power generation ratio of not less than 40%; The proportion of photovoltaic power generation that can be installed in the total area of industry and commerce and plant buildings is not less than 30%; The total roof area of rural residents can be installed with photovoltaic power generation ratio of not less than 20%. Photovoltaic power generation, to a large extent, is clean and low-carbon, in line with the requirements of the "dual carbon" goal; To a small extent, the rational use of the company's idle factory roof can also allow the company to get real benefits.

Real-world case sharing










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